"How could I possibly learn all tHis" - Common words of an aspiring Web Developer.

Some tips to help a beginner navigate the dense maze of web development.

When I started exploring Web Development in May of 2021, I did not understand how broad it was. I was pulled in by "All you need is 3 ~languages". Of course, there is some truth in it and you will be perfectly okay with HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Wait, who are we kidding. Even if these are enough for you to call yourself a web developer in a sense, we all know it is not enough.

I already knew basic HTML, so I refreshed my knowledge on it and dived straight into CSS. After a few tutorial videos, I heard an unfamiliar term come up "Bootsrap". The next logical course of action was to search up this new word.

A CSS Framework, the results explained. But the problem was I did not even know what a framework was, so more searching. That was when it dawned on me that I needed more than just my three new friends. I spent the next few hours trying to understand what seemed to be neverending lengths and lengths of information.

I felt like I could never possibly learn all that. I felt demoralized, really.

Then I made a decision that I kinda regret. I joined "tech" twitter. I was still relatively new to web dev and going online to see people talk about phrases I just couldn't comprehend felt like I was dropped off in the middle of Mars and I was surrounded by aliens.


I fell into a cycle of searching and searching about things that were beyond my level, constantly taking and editing mental notes of what to learn, what to stay away from... I was slowly losing it.

I pushed and learnt a fair amount of CSS and even made a nice portfolio for myself. Then the burning question of "Should I learn a CSS framework or no". I spent weeks trying to make up my mind, I was not learning anything during those weeks, I was just trying to decide, to make the right choice.

Then Javascript, a similar story to the CSS one. I'm still in the dreadful decision phase. Today, a tweet will suggest Svelte- 'it's a relatively new framework, expected to be very popular in a few years' or a guy on YouTube who swears by Vue.

So what have I learnt from all this and what is the point of this post you might ask?

  • I've learnt that in Web Dev there isn't a definitive right choice, there may be some obviously bad ones but at the end of the day. Any choice you make will be fruitful as long as you enjoy it and dedicate time to be good at it.
  • Try to master the fundamentals. What I learnt from my CSS episode was that it did not really matter which framework I decided on because as long as I knew my CSS good enough, If one was not doing it for me, I could easily switch. The same goes for all frameworks and libraries, have a solid foundation and you will be good to go!
  • If you have time, test them all out! No, wait that's terrible advice. You couldn't try everything out but try to at least familiarize yourself with the top contenders. A pros and cons list even. You have nothing to lose by doing this and saves you time. (If you find yourself spending too much time, what I do is take the three most popular and make a pros and cons list from them! They are already popular for a reason and the list clarifies why almost instantly)

  • Filter your information! This is perhaps the most important. There are so many people online and it is ever so easy to give your 2 cents on any topic. Make sure you only digest information from reputable people and knowledgeable people. By doing so, you not only make a decision-making process shorter and more enjoyable but you are also rest assured that you can trust them, they know what they are doing.
  • Lastly, don't take it too seriously! Have fun with it, mistakes only make us better :)

You can follow me on twitter even though I rarely post: @ ilhamcodes

Oh can you tell? This is my first post and I'm still figuring out how this works, just wanted to share my woes and help others!!